MATLAB: Removing white space in .emf plots


I have a MATLAB program that generates data and plots the data. When I create the Figure, I use the following command:
figure100 = figure('Position',[1 1 1100 500],'Color',[1 1 1]);
Afterward, I use the
to save the figure to .emf file.
When I drag and drop the .emf file into PowerPoint I notice a large white space to the left and right of the figure. In order to remove the white space I typically CROP the figure in PowerPoint.
My question is how can I reduce the WHITE space in MATLAB so that I don't need to CROP in PowerPoint?

Best Answer

You can simply 'ungroup' the figure when you get it into PowerPoint and delete the unwanted white box. Then you can 'regroup' the remaining objects.
Alternatively - set the background to be transparent. Then you don't care (you can definitely do this with the 'copy figure' method.