MATLAB: Removing the grey margin of a plot

resize figure

Hi I'm doing an image analysis using matlab. I have a figure that I need to remove the grey margin and axes while keeping the original white plot area size constant and then save it as png. You can see the saved original png which I need to remove the axes and the margin but keeping the plot area size constant. p.s. I'm using R2017a version.

Best Answer

title('Plot of Peaks Function')
axis off
ax = gca;
outerpos = ax.OuterPosition;
ti = ax.TightInset;
left = outerpos(1) + ti(1);
bottom = outerpos(2) + ti(2);
ax_width = outerpos(3) - ti(1) - ti(3);
ax_height = outerpos(4) - ti(2) - ti(4);
ax.Position = [left bottom ax_width ax_height];
Now save them using saveas