MATLAB: Removing sub matrix from 3d matrix, if any values in the matrix exceed a certain min/max value

artifactseegfor loopif statementmatrixremoving trials

I am currently trying to do artifact rejection on my I have three sets of epoched data (in 3D matrices, for example 64(channels)x250(samplingtimes)x98(trials)).
I need to create a loop that runs through my files and removes the trials containing values over/under 100 uV. For example, eye blink artifacts are easily detected in the Fp1 and Fp2 channels, which correspond to row 1 and 2 of the first dimension of my matrix. So if, : , trial) >= 100, delete the trial. I am very new to matlab and would really appreciate any help.
for a=size(epochs_CG,3) % for the size of my
if epochs_CG(1:2, :, a)> 100
epochs_CG(:,:,a) = [];
elseif epochs_CG (1:2, :, a)< 100
epochs_CG(:,:,a) = [];
This did not work 😛

Best Answer

discard=any( any( epochs_CG(1:2, :, :)>=100 ,2) ,1);