MATLAB: Removing spikey data from a sensor readout.

data processingfiltersavitzky-golay filtersensorsSignal Processing Toolboxsmootheningspikes

I have a loop which reads out a sensor, once in a while the data is completely off, and gives a spike. I would like to remove those spikes.
The data given moves from -180 to 180 degrees, so when my measurement moves from -180 to 180 this should not be filtered (as this is normal).
However, if it moves from -180 to 90 then this counts as a spike.
It's not possible to do data processing after getting every readout, ideally there should be a filter of some sort in the loop itself.
Any ideas?

Best Answer

Do you have the Signal Processing Toolbox? If so, you could use the median filter. If you want to replace spikes with the median value around them, then compute the median and subtract it from the original and take the absolute value. Then replace those elements with a high value with the median.
medianSignal = medfilt1(signal, 7);
diffSignal = abs(signal - medianSignal);
spikes = diffSignal > 100; % Whatever...
% Replace
fixedSignal = signal; % Initialize
fixedSignal(spikes) = medianSignal(spikes);
Or you can use the Savitzky-Golay filter, sgolayfilt(). A demo is attached.
If this is not right for you, then post your data - both a picture and the actual data in a txt or .mat file.