MATLAB: Removing rows in big data

removing rows

I have a big matrix with two columns, for example :[380 1;381 2;382 3;383 4;384 2;385 1;..]. I want to generate a new matrix by removing every three rows.
like at the end I want to have this matrix: [380 1;385 1;390 3;395 4;400 3].
(it is a sample of the real matrix and i want to make it with a five increments rows)
Thank you!

Best Answer

In your example, your result saves every 5-th row of the input matrix to the output matrix.
Try this:
M = [(380:400)' randi(9, size((380:400)'))] % Create Matrix
Out = M(1:5:end,:)
If you want the result to have every 3-rd row, do this:
Out = M(1:3:end,:)
EDIT Clarifying the discrepancy.