MATLAB: Removing preferences for Matlab applications running in deployed mode (R2014a / MCR8.3 glnxa64)

deletedeployederasegetprefMATLAB Compilermcrpreferencesresetsetpref

I am running a GUI application in deployed mode on a linux system, which uses setpref/getpref functions to save data. Recently, it started to crash at startup and I have not been able to use it since then.
I suspect that the error is linked to the data saved in the preference and I would like to erase all of it and start from a clean sheet. As this is a compiled application, I don't have access to the command line to locate the preference file.
So, where are MCR preferences stored and how can I erase/reset them?

Best Answer

You can delete MCR cache files, the cache location may be /home/YOUR_NAME/.mcrCache8.3, or $MCR_CACHE_ROOT/.mcrCache8.3 if you set environment variable "MCR_CACHE_ROOT". Once delete the mcrCache directory, you can run your deployed application.