MATLAB: Removing first row from txt file


Hi everyone,
I have a very simple text file with 2 columns of data I wish to plot. I'm having trouble removing the first row which contains non-number values.
Data example:
txtcol1, txtcol2
4, 107
4, 109
5, 110
5, 111
5, 112
This is what I have so far: (..% to my understanding)
data=('myfile.txt'); %sets variable
readtable(data) $%displays table
data(1,:) = 0; %sets first row to zeros
x = data(:,1); %sets x to column 1
y = data(:,2); %sets y to column 2
plot(x, y) %plots
I'm getting this returned:
Error using plot
Invalid first data argument.
Thank you very much

Best Answer

data=('myfile.txt'); %sets variable
data = readtable(data) %displays table
x = data{:,1}; %sets x to column 1
y = data{:,2}; %sets y to column 2
plot(x, y) %plots