MATLAB: Removing elements of a cell array

cells arrays strings

say we have a cell array
dictionary= 'abbreviately' 'abbreviation' 'abbreviator' 'abbreviatory' 'abbreviature' 'abby' 'abcoulomb' 'abdal'
I have written a code which returns x = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
How do I delete the words from dictionary that are not equivalent for my x value and newguess letter 'e'. So x has a true value on the 5th position (after the 4 false values), which would mean I would like to delete all the words from dictionary if their 5th position letter does not equal 'e'. Thank you

Best Answer

newdictionary = C( cellfun(@(C) length(C) >= 5 & C(5)==newguess, dictionary, 'Uniform', 0) );
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