MATLAB: Removing consecutive zeros of a certain length

consecutive zerodatadeletedurationzerozeros

Hi everyone,
I have data consisting of two columns: time and counts. The counts data consists of multiple numbers with some consecutive zeros. How can Matlab find and count the duration of these consecutive zeros and then delete the rows of them if the duration is above a certain value?

Best Answer

x = [0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 ]' ;
transitions = diff([0 ;x == 0; 0]); %find where the array goes from non-zero to zero and vice versa
runstarts = find(transitions == 1);
runends = find(transitions == -1); %one past the end
runlengths = runends - runstarts;
% keep only those runs of length 4 or more:
runstarts(runlengths > 3) = [];
runends(runlengths > 3) = [];
%expand each run into a list indices:
indices = arrayfun(@(s, e) s:e-1, runstarts, runends, 'UniformOutput', false);
indices = [indices{:}]; %concatenate the list of indices into one vector
% Remove those zeros which are consecuitve 3 in number
x(indices) = [] ;