MATLAB: Removing blurred part in intermediate images in morphing of images.

image morphingImage Processing Toolboxintermediate imageswarping

I am working on image morphing of two hand gestures. I also got intermediate images. I am attaching here 1)Source Image 2) Target Image 3) Intermediate image 1st 4)Intermediate image 2nd. In Intermediate image 1st I am getting blurred part of target image and in Intermediate image 2nd I am getting blurred part of source image. Can anyone suggest any approach to reomve the blurred part? Also tell me are the intermediate images suffering from double exposure artifacts?
1)Source Image 2) Target Image
3) Intermediate image 1st 4)Intermediate image 2nd
Original image size is 901-by-931. While inserting images I pasted here at 25% of their size.

Best Answer

Morphing is the combination of warping the image followed by a weighted sum. It appears that you are simply doing a weighted sum. That is not morphing. You need to do a warping with imwarp.
See Steve Eddins's Image Processing Blog for how to do warping.