MATLAB: Removing any previously draw roi on an image


Hello. I have an image in a UIAxes component (app designer) and have the code below. Everytime I run the code (via pushButton callback), I want tod elete any previous roi ellipses and create a new one, hence I try and delete any previous ones. The way I've done doesn't do anything
findall(g, 'type', 'Ellipse');
t = findall(g, 'type', 'Ellipse'); delete(t);
h = images.roi.Ellipse(app.UIAxes3,'Center',[round(sy/2) round(sx/2)],'Semiaxes',[round(sx/2) round(sx/2)],'Color','r','StripeColor','b','LineWidth',1);
Have also tried (but didn't work)
findall(g, 'type', 'line');
t = findall(g, 'type', 'line'); delete(t);

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