MATLAB: Removing a specific row from a matrix


Hi all,
I would like to remove a row from a matrix, however I cannot seem to be able to do it. Here is an example:
a = [1 2 ; 3 4 ; 5 6 ; 7 8]; %matrix
b = [3 4] ; %vector to remove
a( a==b) = [] ; %removing the vector
This seems to be working, however the matrix 'a' is returned as:
a = [1 5 7 2 6 8] ;
The desired format would be:
a = [1 2 ; 5 6 ; 7 8] ;
How would can I get that?
Thanks for your help in advance,

Best Answer

a = reshape(a, [], 2);
However, better could would be
a( ismember(a, b, 'rows'), :) = [];