MATLAB: Remove zeros in a table

format tabletable

Hey everyone,
I am having the following problem which I am struggling with for quite some time. I have a character array of strings – each consisting of two numbers and an underscore. (e.g. 09_13, 14_15, 08_07). In this format I can use them as a column in a table. However, preferably I would like to save the table as an xls sheet and remove all zeros (e.g 9_13,14_15,8_7). This way the entry length in each row would differ obviously. Is that even possible in a table?

Best Answer

regexprep(YourCellArray, {'^0+(?=\d)', '(?<=_)0+(?=\d)'}, {'', ''})
This takes care not to replace an all-zero sequence with emptiness -- e.g., '00_14' will be converted to '0_14' and not '_14'. The code can be simplified a little if it is certain that a string of all 0 will not be present.
The code does not assume that the values are 2 digit; the code could be simplified even more if it was certain that all values were 2 digit.
regexprep(YourCellArray, {'^0', '_0'}, {'', '_'}) %2 digit case only
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