MATLAB: Remove sub-matrix if any col are all nan (3D matrix)

3d matrixremove col

Hi, In a 3D matrix, I have 4 sub-matrices of 3×3, like A below
A=[1 2 nan; 2 5 nan; 4 2 nan];
A(:,:,2)=[3 4 5; 4 nan nan; 2 3 4];
A(:,:,3)=[8 nan nan; 1 nan nan; 8 nan nan];
A(:,:,4)=[1 2 3; 6 7 8; 3 3 5];
I need a new matrix that EXCLUDES the cases where the columns of A are ALL nan. In the case above submatrices A1 and A3 should be excluded, and the new matrix, say B, should be
B(:,:,1)=[3 4 5; 4 nan nan; 2 3 4];
B(:,:,2)=[1 2 3; 6 7 8; 3 3 5];
I'd also need the id of the sub-matrices of A to be finally used in B, in this case 2 and 4.
Let me know if it's not clear thanks

Best Answer

Using the any() and all() functions I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out - you're a smart engineer. These are useful functions to learn about as they are used often. Here's one way to do it:
A=[1 2 nan; 2 5 nan; 4 2 nan];
A(:,:,2)=[3 4 5; 4 nan nan; 2 3 4];
A(:,:,3)=[8 nan nan; 1 nan nan; 8 nan nan];
A(:,:,4)=[1 2 3; 6 7 8; 3 3 5]
% Find out what slices need to be deleted.
for z = 1 : size(A, 3)
deleteThisSlice(z) = any(all(isnan(A(:,:,z)), 1))
B = A(:, :, ~deleteThisSlice)