MATLAB: Remove rows under certain condition

MATLABremove rows under certain condition

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On below matrix, for same X and Y, pick smallest Z, then put into a new matrix.
X Y Z 60,-40,1.1 55,-40,3.1 55,-45,4.5 60,-45,5.3 60,-40,7 55,-40,8.4 55,-45,9.8 60,-40,11.2 60,-45,12.6 55,-40,14 55,-45,15.4 60,-45,16.8 60,-40,18.2 60,-45,19.6 55,-40,21 60,-40,22.4 55,-45,23.8 60,-45,25.2 55,-40,26.6 55,-45,28

Best Answer

Assuming your X, Y, and Z variables are stored in three vectors of equal length
[UniqueXY, ~, k] = unique([X(:) Y(:)],'rows') ;
MinZ = accumarray(k, Z(:), [], @min)