MATLAB: Remove rows in matrix A if not member of matrix B

deletionif statementnot memberremoverows

Hi all,
I have two matrices, and I am trying to remove rows in one for numbers which are not part of the other. Below is my attempt:
for x = 1:256
if ~ismember(trials,x);
% imagesCut =
But it is not working and I get the following error message (I guess because it keeps deleting rows?):
Matrix index is out of range for deletion.
Error in samplecode (line 21)
Please could anyone help me with my code? Many thanks

Best Answer

MATLAB works best when working on entire arrays at once, whereas using a loop and removing rows like that is inefficient and not recommended.
>> tryIdx = [2,5,7,8];
>> allIdx = 1:size(imagesAll,1);
Method one: setdiff:
>> idx = setdiff(allIdx,tryIdx)
idx =
1 3 4 6 9
Method two: ismember:
>> idx = ~ismember(allIdx,tryIdx)
idx =
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
And then simply: