MATLAB: Remove row from matrix

remove row

I have a problem where I need to remove som rows from a matrix. I need to remove all numbers under 10 and over 60 from the first row and all negative numbers from the second row. The third row has to be between 1:4. I need to print if a row has been removed, so I know which rows are missing, which I haven't implemented in the code below. I have tried in many ways and has come up with this that removes the right rows, but I am sure it can be done in a smarter way…
clc;clear; false_data = [8 20 15 35 65 35; 0.1090 -0.50 0.5170 1.0860 0.9340 0.1090;1 2 3 4 6 1]'; approved_bacteria = [1 2 3 4];
for i = 1:length(false_data(:,1)) indices = 10 > false_data(:,1) | (false_data(:,1) > 60)
false_data(indices,:) = []; end
for i = length(false_data(:,2)) indices = false_data(:,2) < 0; false_data(indices,:) = []; end
for i = length(false_data(:,3)) indices = false_data(i,3) < 1 false_data(i,3) > 4; false_data(indices,:) = []; end false_data

Best Answer

This is how I'd do it.
% Bounds
lb = [10 0 1];
ub = [60 inf 4];
% Simulate data
n = 1000;
data = [randi(100,[n,1]) randn(n,1) rand(n,1)*10];
% Apply conditions
idxrmv = any(bsxfun(@lt,data,lb) | bsxfun(@gt,data,ub),2);
% Remove
data(idxrmv,:) = [];
% print
fprintf('Removed row %3.0i\n',find(idxrmv));