MATLAB: Remove noise from strain gauge measurements

remove noisestrain gauge

Hi, I have been working on filtering strain gauge data but having problems with filtering the Strain gauge data. My data looks as shown below.
After using low-pass 5th order butter worth filter with a cut off frequency of 85Hzt, i am able to cut down the noise but i still could not able to get a smooth curve that i am expecting.Here is how data looks after filtering
As you can see in the image, the data still shows some noise. Can anyone help in filtering the data for a smoothed curve?
i tried using other cut off frequencies but nothing is working.
Any help will be a lot appreciated.
Thank you.

Best Answer

You probably need to look closely at your signal with the fft (link), specifically the code between the first (top) two plot figures, and use that information to determine your cutoff frequencies.
With respect to designing the filter, the Signal Processing Toolbox designfilt function is likely easiest to use. My IIR filter design procedure is here: How to design a lowpass filter for ocean wave data in Matlab?