MATLAB: Remove negative numbers

matlab functionnegative numbers

Hi all!
So I've been using MatLab for all of about two days and I already need some help. I have a matrix which contains both positive and negative numbers and I want to remove the negative numbers by adding the absolute value of the most negative number to all of the numbers in the matrix. I don't know the value of the most negative number beforehand, so I can't just hardcode it.
ie. Matrix A becomes Matrix B: A = [4 0 -6 -3], B = [10 6 0 3]
Is there an easy one-step solution for this? Or do I need to find the min value first, get the absolute value and then add it to all the matrix values?
Thank you!

Best Answer

B = A - min(0, min(A(:)));
This code protects against the possibility that none of the entries in A are negative, leaving all the values unchanged in that situation.