MATLAB: Remove everything outside a defined area


I have to study the response of a cellular graded material with Abaqus, and to recreate the geometry, I'm using the Voronoi function of Matlab.
I need to cut out everything outside the area that's being defined with the letter "s", but I don't know how.
The code to recreate the area and the voronoi structure is this:
clear all; close all; clc
%Defining the area "s" I want to use to cut the portion I need
s = table([0; 0; 30; 30],[0; 10; 10; 0], ones(4,1),...
axis equal;
hold on
%Defining a minimum distance that the nodes have to maintain
minAllowableDistance = 0.5;
%Defining the number of nodes/points I want to generate
numberOfPoints = 2000;
%Generating the x and y coordinates randomly
x = 30*rand(1,numberOfPoints);
y = 10*rand(1,numberOfPoints);
%Here there is the cicle needed to place the points at a given distance
%from each other
keeperX = x(1);
keeperY = y(1);
for k = 1 : numberOfPoints
thisX = x(k);
thisY = y(k);
distances = sqrt((thisX-keeperX).^2 + (thisY - keeperY).^2);
minDistance = min(distances);
if minDistance >= minAllowableDistance
keeperX(counter) = thisX;
keeperY(counter) = thisY;
counter = counter + 1;
%Creating the voronoi structure.

Best Answer

Try initmesh to triangulate