MATLAB: Remove duplicate variables depending on a variable in a second column


Dear experts, I have a list of variables where I need to remove duplicate variables based on the variable in column 2. Variables with a '1' in column 2 are of better quality than variables with a '0'.
1) In case of duplicate variables, I want to keep the variables that have value 1 in the second column. In cases when there are multiple duplicates with a 1 then it needs to keep randomly only one variable. See example below: Here I want to keep the variable BG1028 where the data in the third column is 1.3. For BG1030, I want to keep the variable with 3.0 or 0.3 in the third column.
2) In case of duplicate variables which all have a zero in the second column then it needs to keep randomly only one variable. See example below: I need to keep one variable of BG1027 (random choice).
I hope it is clear. Im puzzling how to do this. This is the code I came up with so far with help from Kirby Fear.
ppn = [ {'BG1026';'BG1027';'BG1027';'BG1028';'BG1028';'BG1028';'BG1029';'BG1029';...
'BG1030';'BG1030';'BG1030';'BG1030'},... % start col 2
{'0';'0';'0';'1';'0';'0';'1';'0';'0';'1';'0';'1'},... % start col 3
{'1.2';'2.2';'5.2';'4.2';'0.2';'8.9';'3.4';'3.0';'0.3';'1.3';'0.3';'1.7'} ];
% Storing ppn column 2 as numerical values
% Get names of duplicates
chooseNames = ppn([strcmp(ppn(1:end-1,1),ppn(2:end,1));false],1);
% Loop over chooseNames and keep one at random.
if numel(chooseNames)>0,
for j=1:numel(chooseNames),

Best Answer

Give something like this a try:
ppn = [ {'BG1026';'BG1027';'BG1027';'BG1028';'BG1028';'BG1028';'BG1029';'BG1029';...
'BG1030';'BG1030';'BG1030';'BG1030'},... % start col 2
{'0';'0';'0';'1';'0';'0';'1';'0';'0';'1';'0';'1'},... % start col 3
{'1.2';'2.2';'5.2';'4.2';'0.2';'8.9';'3.4';'3.0';'0.3';'1.3';'0.3';'1.7'} ];
[uniqNames, ia, ic] = unique(ppn(:,1));
ia = [ia; 1+length(ic)];
ppn_out = {}; % initialize output
for i = 1:length(uniqNames);
sub = ppn(ia(i):ia(i+1)-1,:); % find only entries with uniqNames(i)
sub = sub(find(cell2mat(sub(:,2)) == max(cell2mat(sub(:,2)))),:); % find only those entries with the maximal value in col 2
ppn_out = [ppn_out; sub(randi(size(sub,1)),:)]; % select one entry at random, put it in ppn_out