MATLAB: Remove duplicate rows in table


I have a table with four columns and roughly 45,000 rows (example below). The first column is the name of statistical test (of which there are several hundred different tests). For every statistical test the values in the 4th column are duplicated (at .25 and 0.5). Can anyone advise how I delete the first of these rows (the first one of the .25 and the first one of the 0.5 rows) for every statistical test?
'Perm t-test equal [250ms,500ms 92, 108]: Avg: 11_right FCL' -1.349 0.185 0.492
'Perm t-test equal [250ms,500ms 92, 108]: Avg: 11_right FCL' -1.457 0.155 0.496
'Perm t-test equal [250ms,500ms 92, 108]: Avg: 11_right FCL' -1.544 0.134 0.500
'Perm t-test equal [500ms,900ms 92, 108]: Avg: 11_right FCL' -1.544 0.129 0.500
'Perm t-test equal [500ms,900ms 92, 108]: Avg: 11_right FCL' -1.615 0.112 0.503
'Perm t-test equal [500ms,900ms 92, 108]: Avg: 11_right FCL' -1.665 0.100 0.507

Best Answer

Follow the demo.
  • T is a table
  • T.Test contains the test names which can be strings, character vectors, categoricals, or numeric.
  • T.col4 is the name of column 4.
The demo removes the first line where column 4 equals 0.25 or 0.50 for each test. The tests do not have to be in order.
% Create table
rng('default') % for reproducibility
T = table(repelem({'A';'B';'C'},5,1),rand(15,1), rand(15,1), repmat([0;.25;.25;.5;.5],3,1),...
T.col4([7,14]) = .33;
Test col2 col3 col4 _____ _______ ________ ____ {'A'} 0.81472 0.14189 0 {'A'} 0.90579 0.42176 0.25 {'A'} 0.12699 0.91574 0.25 {'A'} 0.91338 0.79221 0.5 {'A'} 0.63236 0.95949 0.5 {'B'} 0.09754 0.65574 0 {'B'} 0.2785 0.035712 0.33 {'B'} 0.54688 0.84913 0.25 {'B'} 0.95751 0.93399 0.5 {'B'} 0.96489 0.67874 0.5 {'C'} 0.15761 0.75774 0 {'C'} 0.97059 0.74313 0.25 {'C'} 0.95717 0.39223 0.25 {'C'} 0.48538 0.65548 0.33 {'C'} 0.80028 0.17119 0.5
% For each testtype, identify the first row where col4 is .25 and .50
[testID, testNames] = findgroups(T.Test);
rowNum1 = arrayfun(@(i) {find(testID==i & T.col4==0.25, 2)}, unique(testID));
rowNum2 = arrayfun(@(i) {find(testID==i & T.col4==0.50, 2)}, unique(testID));
rowNums = cell2mat(cellfun(@(c){padarray(c,[2-numel(c),0],NaN,'post')},[rowNum1', rowNum2']));
rmRows = rowNums(2, ~isnan(rowNums(2,:)));
% remove rows from table
T(rmRows, : ) = []
T = 11x4 table
Test col2 col3 col4 _____ _______ ________ ____ {'A'} 0.81472 0.14189 0 {'A'} 0.90579 0.42176 0.25 {'A'} 0.91338 0.79221 0.5 {'B'} 0.09754 0.65574 0 {'B'} 0.2785 0.035712 0.33 {'B'} 0.54688 0.84913 0.25 {'B'} 0.95751 0.93399 0.5 {'C'} 0.15761 0.75774 0 {'C'} 0.97059 0.74313 0.25 {'C'} 0.48538 0.65548 0.33 {'C'} 0.80028 0.17119 0.5
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