MATLAB: Remove cell that contains strings of another cell array

arraycell arrayfor loopif statementindexismembernewbie

a={'Time12:30','Time12:40','Time1:40', 'Time2:40'};
b={'12:', '1:'};
Wanted Output: (delete from "a" all cells containing string listed in "b")
I have tried:
for k = 1 : length(a)
for kk = 1 : length(b)
if any(~ismember(b{kk}, a{k}))
a(k) = [];
However this gives me error of such:
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
I am confused by the error and any guidance is appreciated! Thank you for reading my post.

Best Answer

You are changing the size of a in the loop with this line:
a(k) = [];
So subsequent iteration indexes that depend on the length of a will fail. Maybe save the indexes to delete in the loop, and then delete them all at once at the end. E.g., something like this:
a={'Time12:30','Time12:40','Time1:40', 'Time2:40'};
b={'12:', '1:'};
x = false(size(a)); % <-- Indexes to delete, start out nobody deleted
for k=1:numel(b)
x = x | ~cellfun(@isempty,strfind(a,b{k})); % <-- Flag the ones that b{k} matches
a(x) = []; % <-- Delete all the flagged lines at once