MATLAB: Remove back lobe in ArraySynthesisExample.m

antenna arrayback lobe suppressionMATLABPhased Array System Toolboxula

In the ArraySynthesisExample.m example code, I'm trying to remove the back lobe, but so far I can't.
First I set the "BackBaffled" property of the ULA to false.
Then, I make sure my plot covers the full -180:180 range of Azimuth values.
When I set the interference direction to -180 degrees, unfortunately it makes the entire beam go away.
thetaan = -180; % interference direction
So, is there a way I can suppress the back lobe digitally? I want to make all of the power go forward, not backwards. Is this method even possible?
Thanks in advance!!

Best Answer

Hi Chris,
I'm not sure what you mean here but it seems that you are using an isotropic element. Therefore, the lobe is generated because of the array geometry and because of the symmetry of a ULA, the -180 degree lobe is the same as the 0 degree lobe. Hence, if you remove -180 degree lobe, it removes 0 degree lobe too. In reality, the antennas are unlikely to be isotropic so it back lobe is in general much smaller compared to the main lobe.