MATLAB: Remote Developing with Matlab

remoteremote development

Does Matlab support remote development?
We would like to develop with an IDE on a client system, create projects and edit files in the same way as one does for local projects. But when running or debug the code, the process should run on a remote server. The experience should be as close as possible to developing directly on the remote system.
Best regards, Georg

Best Answer

I recommend you contact your sales representative (or the MathWorks Sales department if you have not already purchased the product) and describe your desired workflow and constraints to them. They can describe various licensing and setup options and explain how they may support your workflow.
Since you mentioned bandwidth is a potential issue MATLAB Online probably isn't an option, but perhaps locally installed MATLAB sessions running your code on a cluster using Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Distributed Computing Server may do what you want.
You can contact Sales using the Contact Us link in the upper-right corner of this page.