MATLAB: Release a toolbox license when it has been used in a GUI

MATLABmatlab guirelease license

We have a shared network license setup. In this environment we have multible matlab licenses but only one license for the curvefit toolbox.
The problem is that I have a made a GUI that use curvefit toolbox. The GUI use the curvefit license when I press a button in the GUI. The issue is that the GUI does not release the license, which means that the GUI keeps the license locked until the GUI is closed. Is there a way to release the license using some code in the GUI .m file?

Best Answer

I got the official answer from Mathworks: "Toolbox license keys cannot be returned without exiting MATLAB. The Toolbox license keys get checked back in when the main MATLAB session is ended. Each time MATLAB is launched, a MATLAB license key is checked out from the pool of available licenses. Likewise, if a function from a MATLAB toolbox is called, a license key for that toolbox is checked out."