MATLAB: Relationship between noise power in a Band-Limited White Noise block VS Variance in a Random Number block

band-limited white noisenoise powerrandom number generatorsimulinkvariance

What is the relationship between Noise Power in a Band-Limited White Noise block and the Variance in a Random Number block?
For example, if we use 0.1 for the former and 100 for the latter, with a sampling time of 0.001, we get the same results (besides the band limitation, which is not apparent here, but can be seen if we do a PSD; it will have a small effect, but let's forget about it).
After some numerical experiments, I guess that it is:
But what is reason/formula behind it?
I went over the documentation and googled it, but I do not find a simple formula to compute one from the other, and I feel this should be pretty simple.
PS: the motivation is to translate specs from another software into Matlab.

Best Answer

You may want to look at the Algorithm section of the following doc page
Basically the variance can be considered as 0.1/(1/0.001) which equals 100.