MATLAB: Relation of exposure time and ExposureTimeAbs for GigE videoinput adaptor

adaptorexposureexposuretimeabsgenicamgigeImage Acquisition Toolboxprophelprelationsfncstandardtimevideoinput

How can I set the exact exposure time (in milliseconds or seconds) for GigE devices?
I am trying to set the exposure time set with the attribute „ExposureTimeAbs“.

Best Answer

For the videoinput GigE adaptor, ExposureTimeAbs is a standard GenICam property.
The units are set by the camera manufacturer per the GenICam SFNC standard. You can use the PROPHELP function to get info on a property (this inf is also provided by the camera manufacturer in the camera XML file). For example, here is the output with a camera I have on my desk. The units for ExposureTimeAbs are in microseconds.
>> v=videoinput('gige',1);
>> s=v.Source;
>> prophelp(s,'ExposureTimeAbs')
ans =
'EXPOSURETIMEABS double [31 1000000] (Read-only: notCurrently)
Sets the exposure time in microseconds (us) when ExposureMode is set to Timed.
See also PROPINFO, and ExposureMode.'