MATLAB: Relation between flux linkage and voltage constant | power_PMSy​nchronousM​achinePara​ms

bemf constantflux linkagepmsmSimscapeSimscape Electricalvoltage constant

Hello to everyone,
I am currently working on mathematical modeling of permanent magnet synchronous motor and stuck in computing some variables from standart manufacturer specifications.
Actually, I want to understand how can I compute flux linkage from Back EMF (Ke) constant.
In Simulink, the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine block (Simulink Library -> Simscape/Power Systems/Specialized Technology/Fundamental Blocks/Machines), under the Advanced tab, there is a GUI which name is "Compute from standard manufacturer specifications". In this GUI, I am able to understand the math beyond the Voltage constant (ke) transformations between Vpeak/kRPM and Vrms/(rad/s). But I can't understand how the "flux linkage established by magnets (V*s)" is calculating from this voltage constant value.
Unfortunately, there is no information in Help section of this block about this topic.
Can someone please explain this relation by mathematical derivations.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,

Best Answer

solved, thanks.