MATLAB: Related to Mupad

many scenesmupadplot

Hi I have a collection of scenes on the name K in mupad. I can plot these scenes using plot::(K[1],K[2],..K[end]). I can plot individual scenes by calling through its index. Is there any way to plot all scenes using plot(K)..something like this??
Is there any option called hold on as in MATLAB in mupad such that I can run loop and plot?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I have not investigated plotting in MuPAD.
In Maple, plots are output as values with a particular structure that the pretty-printer recognizes and knows to draw. In Maple, you more or less join several plots together by just creating a list of the values and outputting that list, as in (Maple code)
P := [seq]( 'plot(K[i])' $ i=1..nops(K) );