MATLAB: Rehsaping Data Table to new format


Hi, I have a data table that exists like:
[date] [field] [data]
1/1/2017 A 1
1/2/2017 A 2
1/3/2017 A 3
1/1/2017 B 3
1/2/2017 B 2
1/3/2017 B 1
1/1/2017 C 4
1/2/2017 C 5
1/3/2017 C 6
and i want to reshape the data to be like this:
[Date] [A] [B] [C]
1/1/2017 1 3 4
1/2/2017 2 2 5
1/3/2017 3 1 6
so that each unique value in fields becomes a new field name in the new table.
I saw this conversion done in a tutorial the other day, but cant recall how it was done at all, thanks for any input in advance!

Best Answer

I think you are looking for unstack:
>> t = cell2table( ...
{'1/1/2017', 'A', 1; ...
'1/2/2017', 'A', 2; ...
'1/3/2017', 'A', 3; ...
'1/1/2017', 'B', 3; ...
'1/2/2017', 'B', 2; ...
'1/3/2017', 'B', 1; ...
'1/1/2017', 'C', 4; ...
'1/2/2017', 'C', 5; ...
'1/3/2017', 'C', 6},'VariableNames',{'date' 'field' 'data'});
>> = datetime(,'InputFormat','MM/dd/yyy');
>> t.field = categorical(t.field)
t =
9×3 table
date field data
___________ _____ ____
01-Jan-2017 A 1
02-Jan-2017 A 2
03-Jan-2017 A 3
01-Jan-2017 B 3
02-Jan-2017 B 2
03-Jan-2017 B 1
01-Jan-2017 C 4
02-Jan-2017 C 5
03-Jan-2017 C 6
>> t2 = unstack(t,'data','field')
t2 =
3×4 table
date A B C
___________ _ _ _
01-Jan-2017 1 3 4
02-Jan-2017 2 2 5
03-Jan-2017 3 1 6