MATLAB: Regression Equation from artificial neural network

Deep Learning Toolboxneural networkregression modeltoolbox

Hi, I have 3 Input Data (temperature, moisture content, and frequency) set of 168 and
my target data (dielectric constant) set of 168.
I used an artificial neural network toolbox to get a regression model to generate simulated data.
I trained(70%), validated (15%), and tested(15%) it. I got reasonable result.
Once i got the result is it possible to extract the regression equation from result.
If it is possible, which section should I click to get the regression model??
If I am not able to get the regression model directly, how can I get other information like bias, weight, and structure of neural network model to generate the regression model in directly or manually?

Best Answer

The default regression equation between inputs and outputs is a curve in 3-dimensional input space.
y = B2 +LW*tansig(B1+IW*x),
where the weights are obtained given the target, t.
The plots you have are the 1-D regressions of output vs target.
y = W*t + b;
However, IW, B1, B2 and LW cannot be obtained by using W and b.
IW = net.IW; b = net.b; LW = net.LW;
Hope this helps.
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