MATLAB: Registation of two images in ‘.mat’ format

image analysisimage processingimage registrationMATLAB

Good day all,
Could someone please help me on how to register two images in '.mat format. Each .mat variable is 36×129 with each element representing a distance value. When plotted using 'surf plot' it gives a chest surface images.
I would like to register the two surafces and obtain the difference in the surafce positions. Below is the code i used so far but returns a warning.. ' Registration failed because optimization diverged'
[optimizer, metric] = imregconfig('multimodal');
img_reg = imregister(img1, img2, 'affine', optimizer, metric);
imshowpair(img2, img_reg,'falsecolor');
Attached are the variables and the suraface image obtained when surf plot is used

Best Answer

With monomodal registration, it works fine for me,
[optimizer, metric] = imregconfig('monomodal');
but I should mention that the two images look almost identical to begin with.