MATLAB: Regexp and string rearrange in text file


I have a .txt file which has about 350 lines. The content is the .txt file is in following format
Open loop test -19-06-2014
Current Injection 2 -18-06-2014
Parameter sweep -17-06-2014
Controlled input -16-06-2014
Open loop test 2 -14-06-2014
I need to take the date to the beginning of each line and change the format to yyyy/mm/dd
ie in following format
2014/06/19 Open loop test
2014/06/18 Current Injection 2
Following is the code I have so far
%open file
fid =fopen('lsit2.txt');
% search for date string and updating the format
for k=1:size(C{1,1},1) % repeat for each line
date = regexp(str, '(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)', 'tokens');
newdate_format= sprintf('%s/%s/%s',date{1,1}{3},date{1,1}{2},date{1,1}{1});
Could someone help me to modify the code further to
1) To change the position of date
2) save the updated values to the .txt file

Best Answer

something along these lines:
% reads file into cell array
lines = textread('lsit2.txt','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace','');
% changes format
lines = regexprep(lines, '(.*)-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)','$4/$3/$2 $1');
% saves new file
f = fopen('newfile.txt','wt');