MATLAB: Regarding the error in matlab


HI all i was trying to calculate the transfer function of an regulator i wrote below kcl nodal equations
%for test transfer function
syms s x y z G_MOTA R_OTA C_OTA s g_mbuf C_gdMN ...
C_gsMN g_mMN R_L C_L R_1 R_2 C_1 C_2 V_out V_in
S1= solve( 's*C_1*(V_in-x)+(V_in-x)/R_1=x/R_2+s*C_2*(x-z)',V_in,...
'-G_MOTA*x=y/R_OTA+s*C_OTA*y ' ,y ,...
'y*g_mbuf=g_mbuf*z+s*C_2*(z-x)+s*C_gdMN*z+s*C_gsMN*(z-V_out)' ,z ,...
TF = (S1.V_out/S1.V_in);
i am getting this below error
Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object.
Error in sym/subsref (line 881)
R_tilde = builtin('subsref',L_tilde,Idx);
Error in tranfun (line 12)
TF = (S1.V_out/S1.V_in);

Best Answer

It is working now thanks you very much