MATLAB: Regarding matlab cody solutions

MATLABmatlab cody

I have very basic knowledge in matlab programming. So, I decided to improve my matlab programming knowledge by doing some Matlab Cody exercises. As I'm a beginner in Matlab Programming, I couldn't able to solve more than 10 problems in Matlab Cody. I have tried to look at others soultions . Unfortunately , I cannot see others solutions. I cannot even see the solutions of others for the problems that I have already solved. Then what is the purpose of Cody when you cannot improve your coding by looking at various possibilities of solutons from others. It really didn't make any sense for me . Can somebody tell me the way to improve my coding knowledge in matlab?

Best Answer

Cody is meant more as a game. It offers a chance to solve various challenges and then compare your solution to what others with "larger" solution sizes have done. That is the one caveat - you can't see solutions smaller than your code size.
If you want to learn more about coding, you should instead consider going through a self-paced training or online class. In MATLAB, click on the Learn MATLAB button.
This will take you to the MATLAB and Simulink Training page. If you are new to MATLAB, the best place to start is with MATLAB Onramp, a free, 2 hour introduction to programming in MATLAB. Other free onramps introduce you to Simulink and Deep Learning. Only the Onramps are free, but if you are a student, you may have access to additional courses. Use the My Courses page to explore.
On a new install, there is also a Getting Started banner that takes you to the Getting Started with MATLAB page. Here, you will find tutorials and additional info to help you learn.
If you would like more of a formal introduction, consider looking at MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). For example, Introduction to Programming with MATLAB on Coursera.
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