MATLAB: Regarding importing excel in matlab

excelimporting excel data

heii friends…..i need help….. I have excel sheet …. The first 5 lines have unwanted text containing header date name etc…. actual data starts from 6th line…. I need to get an array which should have data of first column and another array that will have data of all other columns……. I tried with the code as shown below but i get error stating not enough input arguments ….can any1 suggest modifications/correct way so as to solve the problem…… clc; clear all; close all; b=[]; a=[]; [num,txt,raw] = xlsread('C:\Users\SONY\Desktop\goodresults\22122014.xlsx'); [r,c]=size(raw); a=raw(6:r,1); b=raw(6:r,2:c); figure(1),plot(a,b);

Best Answer

xlsread import excel data with cell type. Convert them to double before plotting. In this case u can use cell2mat function:
A = cell2mat(a);
B = cell2mat(b);
figure(1), plot(A,B);