MATLAB: Reference to non-existent field ‘BoundingBox’. can you help me? why

boundingboxComputer Vision ToolboxImage Processing Toolbox

>> figure,imshow(a);
>> title('Original Image');
>> %Convert the Image to binary
>> b=im2bw(a);
>> %Fill the holes
>> c=imfill(b,'hole');
>> %Label the connected components
>> [Label,Total]=bwlabel(c,8);
>> figure,imshow(c);title('Labelled Image');
>> %Rectangle containing the region
>> Sdata=regionprops(Label,'BoundingBox');
>> %crop all the car
>> for i=1:Total
Name=strcat('Object Number:',num2str(i));
figure,imshow(Img); title(Name);

Best Answer

Please address Guillaume's suggestion that you mistyped the name. Sdata is a different variable than sdata because MATLAB is case sensitive. Capital or lower case "s" - it makes a huge difference!!! You must use the same case letters throughout your program , otherwise it will think you have two different variables: sdata and Sdata. Sdata came out of regionprops() so it will have a BoundingBox field, while sdata was not defined so it certainly won't have ANY fields at all, much less one called BoundingBox.