MATLAB: Reference to “adaptwb” function in Neural Network toolbox.

adaptive learningMATLABneural network

I applied the "adaptwb" function to the implementation of my algorithm. Thus, I want to describe the mechanism of this function in my paper, but the detail of this function is not provided in the technical document of MATLAB. So, I wonder if there are any references to this function.

Best Answer

I understand you want to determine how 'adaptwb' is updating the weights for the neural network. If you make a quick neural network with
net = feedforwardnet(20)
you will get an output of information for the network. From there, if you click on 'layerWeights' a help page will appear. From there you can click 'learnFcn', which describes that the parameter is used to define the learning function for 'adaptwb'. You can also see the list of learning functions by clicking on 'learning function', which will provide you a list of learning functions for networks. To determine which learning function your network uses you should be able to use
where i and j are for the values provided by net.layerWeights.
This same procedure can be used for 'inputWeights' and 'biases' to determine how these learn.
I hope this information helps to guide you on how to determine how your network is adapting with adaptwb.