MATLAB: Reference or linked block in simulink

2-d lookup tableMATLABreference blocksimulink

Hello, I have a 2-D Lookup Table (Table1) in a subsystem Now I want some kind of linked copy (Table2) of that "reference" table in a subsystem 3.4. That means: When I change the values of Table1, Table2 should also use exactly this new values of Table1, without touching it.
The background: New table values are exactly and only given to Table1, they are not taken from workspace. The whole model works without MATLAB workspace.
I know it's possible to route more than 1 signal through Table1 by muxing signals, but that's not the requested solution.
Is it possible to link Lookup Tables in this way?
Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

I found a similar solution with a dynamic lookup table, which satisfies me. The table data is defined in 3 constant blocks and can be linked to multiple tables. Simulink has only a dynamic version of 1-D lookup tables, but under the following link is a workaround that works for the 2-D version.