MATLAB: Reducing the computation time using a for loop

for loop

A is a matrix with a bigger size than the B matrix. B is a subset of A (except the last column that I am trying to fill A;s last column with the respective values of B's last column). I wrote the following loop that has been running for more than an hour although it should be simple. I hoe someone can help me to reduce the computation time:
for m=1:size(A,1)
for n=1:size(B,1)
x0a=A(:,2)==B(n,2) & A(:,1)==B(n,1);
if ~isempty(x0a)

Best Answer

You do not need a loop at all if you use ismember:
[isinB, Brow] = ismember(A(:, [1 2]), B(:, [1 2]), 'rows');
A(isinB, end) = B(Brow(isinB), end);
edit: silly typo