MATLAB: Reducing a vector size when it is being updated in a loop


I have a vector A that is being updated in a loop, A contains data from a Trial, and the length of it changes with each iteration. I want to make the length of each A the same so the plots are of the same size.
Trial 1 length = 497 x 12, Trial 2 length = 700 x 12 … Trial 5 length = 687×12 ( I want to get a 497×12 vector for all trials)
I currently have this piece of code, which find the smallest length of the A – the problem is the line of code that the smallest length out is inside the loop and after each iteration it changes.
The smallest number is a hint to how long the array A should be, since it varies for each trial uploaded.
I hope the below code helps
smallest = 10000;
for h=1:5
%code to load all script files
if h==1
A = dlmread("Trial 1");
elseif h==2
A = dlmread("Trial 2");
elseif h==3
A = dlmread("Trial 3");
elseif h==4
A= dlmread("Trial 4");
elseif h==5
A= dlmread("Trial 5");
[x , y] = size(A);
if x<smallest
smallest = x; %the smallest length of rows for A

Best Answer

for h=5:-1:1
%code to load all script files
if h==1
A = dlmread("Trial 1");
elseif h==2
A = dlmread("Trial 2");
elseif h==3
A = dlmread("Trial 3");
elseif h==4
A= dlmread("Trial 4");
elseif h==5
A= dlmread("Trial 5");
smallest = min( cellfun(@(c) size(c,1), Acell) );
Ashort=cellfun(@(c)c(1:smallest,:) , Acell,'uni',0);
for i=1:numel(Ashort)
figure(i); plot(Ashort{i});
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