MATLAB: Reduce matrix data by combining values

combinematrixmodify matrixreduce

Dear matlab community,
I need to reduce data in a matrix of two columns, and many rows (almost 2 billion, so I would like to find a way to automate it!)
The structure is as follows:
Column 1 has a bunch of discrete values, which occur repeatedly.
Column 2 has values in it, that should be added up for all "a", all "b", and all "c", that only one "a", "b", "c" is left in the final matrix.
Initial matrix:
a 10
b 5
a 1
c 20
b 3
The final matrix should look like this:
a 11
b 8
c 20
Thank you very much! A solution would help me a lot!

Best Answer

In the below code I assume your array is a cell array (because you cannot mix letters and numbers in a numeric array).
[unique_keys, ~, idx] = unique(YourArray(:,1));
vals_to_total = cell2mat( YourArray(:,2) );
totals = accumarray(idx, vals_to_total);
results = [unique_keys, num2cell(totals)];