MATLAB: Redrawing on pcolor – Scaling Problem


Hello everybody. I have a 100×100 matrix which indicates a basin. I am using pcolor to visualize the basin and now I need to draw the attractor on the same figure. For better comprehension please check :
Although my matrix has 100×100 data, actually it should be 1/10 scale namely x=[0 10] and y=[0 10] to draw the attractor on it. I'll appreciate any help on rescaling the basin to 10×10 to draw the attractor correctly. I tried everything however couldn't find a way to manipulate the axes without scaling the image.
More info: Regarding the image on the link, consider my x and y axis as 0 100 and I do want to change them into -3 and 3 without changing the image.
Thank you so much.

Best Answer

I'd use image() or imshow(). pcolor doesn't plot the whole matrix - it chops off a row and column
A short illustration:
m = magic(3); % Make a 3-by-3 array.
pcolor(m); % Attempt to display the 3-by-3 array.
title('Only 2 by 2 array shown instead of 3 by 3');