MATLAB: Recursive function to reverse a vector


The question is to write a function to reverse a vector so v=[1 2 3] becomes v= [3 2 1]
It must be recursive
So my idea how to write this function is start off with d=1 the last digit of w, the output, is equal to the first digit of v the input. so thats what I wrote. As the function develops d eventually equals the length of the original input symoblising the function has reached an end and it will return w. I just don't know how to keep d growing everytime, as currently with every time I recall the function d will rewrite itself to be 1. I think it has something to do with the base case but I don't know. I'm not looking for the answer on a plate but more like a discussion of someone talking me through it
function [w]=reversal(v)
if d==e

Best Answer

Hmm. Suppose you strip off the last digit of the vector on each pass? Can you do that? You already know how to find the last element of a vector. That is just v(end). Your logic would look something like the logic in your digit_sum problem.
function vrev = reversal(v)
if length(v) <= 1
vrev = v;
% here, you need to break v into two pieces.
% one of those peieces will be the final element of v.
% The other will be everything else.
% then you can build up the vector, appending
% the last element to the BEGINNING of the result.
% take a shot at it, and I will look back in...