MATLAB: Recreating Vlookup from excel

interpmatching datarelating databasesvlookup

I am trying to recreate vlookup (the excel function) in matlab. Having trawled through numerous other questions, no solutions I have found do what I am looking for. A brief example is here. I have a set of objects each with a unique ID number. Database A contains a selection of IDs. Database B contains all of the IDs, plus additional attributes. I want to append the additional information per row from database B onto the end of database A.
So for example, if: A = [ 1; 2; 6; 7]
and B = [1 56.7; 2 45.1; 3 65.7; 4 76.1; 5 34.1; 6 34.1; 7 121.1]
I would like to change A to be A = [1 56.7; 2 45.1; 6 34.1; 7 121.1]
However, in my data I need to print the results from A in the 82nd column of B, and they need to be derived from the 8th column of A.
The following does not work for my purpose, because 'e' needs to change to be printed per row:
I also tried interp1 function in the following way based on previous results:
But I need exact matches to my data, not interpolated values.
Any help much appreciated.

Best Answer

Purely numeric and all index of A are guaranteed to be in B?
A = [ 1; 2; 6; 7];
B = [1 56.7; 2 45.1; 3 65.7; 4 76.1; 5 34.1; 6 34.1; 7 121.1];
A_col_id=1; % the column the ids are in matrix A
B_col_id=1; % the column the ids are in matrix B
A_col_value=2; % the column the values should go in matrix A
B_col_value=2; % the column the values are in matrix B
% real code