MATLAB: Recognizing text from image of a calculator

image processingImage Processing Toolboxocr

I have trying to extract the numbers from a calculator screen image. I am using my laptop webcam to detect the image and simultaneously display the result after image processing. Can anybody please help how to proceed??

Best Answer

Very very easy. You don't even need to do sophisticated OCR. You merely need to sample the image at known locations for known numbers. Trivial for a 7 segment display. Just read the image at 7 locations. Let's say the locations are
2 3
5 6
Now a "1" would have 2 and 5 lit, and all the others unlit.
A "2" would have 1, 3, 4, 5, & 7 lit and the others unlit.
You can make up a 128 element look up table and use that to read off the number, given an input pattern. it's the same concept but a little more complicated if you have something with more resolution than a 7 segment display.
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