MATLAB: Recognizing shapes in (binary) matrix

image processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hey all,
I'm trying to find a shape in a binary image.
In order to do that i am using bwboundaries() function to identify all the shapes in the image. I get a cell with matrices (the size of X by 2), of all the objects. Each matrix represent the number of pixels in the object.
For example, lets say there are two matrices, almost the same size. One representing the shape of a line, the other the shape of a circle (not exactly a line or a circle).
My question is – can i differ the line from the circle ?
Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

If you KNOW that you are either dealing with a line or a circle, then could you look at the MajorAxisLength and MinorAxisLength from RegionProps. Their ratios should be wildly different, yes?