MATLAB: Receiving the error “Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.” Help!


My professor sent my class a Lab Tutorial for Matlab and some exercises simply require that we copy and paste the code into Matlab and see what happens. The following is the code for one of the exercises:
%Create the data to be plotted
TBdata = [1990 4889 16.4; 1991 5273 17.4; 1992 5382 17.4; 1993 5173 16.5;
1994 4860 15.4; 1995 4675 14.7; 1996 4313 13.5; 1997 4059 12.5;
1998 3855 11.7; 1999 3608 10.8; 2000 3297 9.7; 2001 3332 9.6;
2002 3169 9.0; 2003 3227 9.0; 2004 2989 8.2; 2005 2903 7.9;
2006 2779 7.4; 2007 2725 7.2];
measles = [38556 24472 14556 18060 19549 8122 28541 7880 3283 4135 7953 1884]';
mumps = [20178 23536 34561 37395 36072 32237 18597 9408 6005 6268 8963 13882]';
chickenPox = [37140 32169 37533 39103 33244 23269 16737 5411 3435 6052 12825
years = TBdata(:, 1);
cases = TBdata(:, 2);
rate = TBdata(:, 3);
%Create the pie chart in position 1 of a 2x2 grid
subplot(2, 2, 1)
pie([sum(measles) sum(mumps) sum(chickenPox)], {'Measles', 'Mumps', 'Chicken Pox'})
title('Childhood Diseases')
%Create the bar chart in position 2 of a 2x2 grid
subplot(2, 2, 2)
bar(1:12, [measles/1000 mumps/1000 chickenPox/1000], 0.5, 'stack')
ylabel('Cases (in thousands)')
title('Childhood Diseases')
axis([0 13 0 100])
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:12)
%Create the stem chart in position 3 of a 2x2 grid
subplot(2, 2, 3)
stem(years, cases)
title('Tuberculosis Cases')
axis([1988 2009 0 6000])
%Create the line plot in position 4 of a 2x2 grid
subplot(2, 2, 4)
plot(years, rate)
ylabel('Infection Rate')
title('Tuberculosis Cases')
axis([1988 2009 5 20])
I've looked through all the definitions of arrays in this code and how they are used in the subplots, but I cannot seem to understand why the error still shows up. There is no figure and no subplots made when the code is run.

Best Answer

Change these two lines
chickenPox = [37140 32169 37533 39103 33244 23269 16737 5411 3435 6052 12825
to a single line
chickenPox = [37140 32169 37533 39103 33244 23269 16737 5411 3435 6052 12825 23332]';
and you'll see this:
0001 Screenshot.png