MATLAB: Receiving error vectors must be the same length when trying to plot.

differential equationsif statementMATLABMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitemodelplotvectors

I'm trying to model Earth's surface temperature with the radiative forcing of CO2 changing through time. For years 1600-1744 (i called them 1:144 interms of t in my code) [CO2]is constant, in 1745-1953 (145:358 interms of t in my code) [C02] is increasing by 0.068%/year, in 1954-2100 (359:500 in terms of t in my code) [CO2] is increasing by 0.4%. I have a function that I'm referencing which calculates the change in atmospheric emissivity redulting from the change in [CO2].
my function I'm referencing:
function e = eps_atm(CO2)
e = 0.8*(1+(0.0541*log(CO2/280)));
%% CO2 variation Climate Model %%
%set up constants
so = 1360; %units = W/m2
albedo = 0.3; %units = none
sigma = 5.67*10^-8; %units = W/((m^2)*(K^4))
p = 997; %units = kg/m^3
cw= 4181; %units = J/(kg*K)
h = 100; %units = m3
a = 0.0514; %units = none
co2 = 280; %units = none
deltat = 31556700; %units = seconds
nsteps = 500; %nsteps from i.c.
T(1) = 250; %units = K
for t = 1:nsteps
hold on;
if t == 1:144
T(t+1)= (((1+eps_atm(280)/2)*((so*(1-albedo))/4)-(sigma*T(t)^4))/(p*cw*h))*deltat+T(t);
elseif t == 145:358
T(t+1)= (((1+eps_atm(280*(1+0.00068*((t)-143)))/2)*((so*(1-albedo))/4)-(sigma*T(t)^4))/(p*cw*h))*deltat+T(t);
elseif t == 359:500
T(t+1)= (((1+eps_atm(280*(1+0.004*((t)-357)))/2)*((so*(1-albedo))/4)-(sigma*T(t)^4))/(p*cw*h))*deltat+T(t);
hold on;
time = [1:nsteps+1]*deltat;
plot(time/31556700, T,'x')

Best Answer

T is 1x1 because none of your if statements are ever true. You want
if t <= 144
%do things
elseif t > 144 && t <= 358
%do different things
elseif t > 358
%do other, different things
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